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A soft, warm and terribly elegant corduroy that envelops you and gives you a confident look.</p>" "link_rewrite" => "corduroy-chinos" "meta_title" => "LePantalon men's corduroy chinos: the perfect winter trousers" "meta_keywords" => "" "meta_description" => "In the trousers family, Corduroy chinos are perfect for winter. A soft, warm and terribly elegant corduroy that envelops you and gives you a confident look." ] ] 6 => array:1 [ "infos" => array:19 [ "id_category" => "186" "id_parent" => "19" "id_shop_default" => "1" "level_depth" => "4" "nleft" => "19" "nright" => "20" "active" => "1" "date_add" => "2024-02-29 15:57:43" "date_upd" => "2024-09-10 12:03:23" "position" => "7" "is_root_category" => "0" "id_shop" => "1" "id_lang" => "2" "name" => "Seersucker Chinos" "description" => "<p>A summer staple, our seersuker Chinos embody the perfect harmony of sophistication and comfort. 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A semi-slim cut, 4 intense colors, and a light material to be beautiful and comfortable.</p>" "link_rewrite" => "cotton-linen-chinos" "meta_title" => "Men's Cotton Linen Chinos | LePantalon" "meta_keywords" => "" "meta_description" => "Discover our Cotton-linen Chinos for men: Semi-slim cut, airy fabric and French origin materials - 4 colors | Free return " ] ] 8 => array:1 [ "infos" => array:19 [ "id_category" => "108" "id_parent" => "19" "id_shop_default" => "1" "level_depth" => "4" "nleft" => "23" "nright" => "24" "active" => "1" "date_add" => "2021-06-16 11:00:51" "date_upd" => "2024-09-10 12:03:25" "position" => "9" "is_root_category" => "0" "id_shop" => "1" "id_lang" => "2" "name" => "Light Chinos" "description" => "<p>The Light Chino is the summer version of our classic Chino. 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A semi-slim cut, a light fabric and 4 colors: blue, beige, olive green, honey, cognac and navy blue " ] ] ] ] 208 => array:2 [ "infos" => array:19 [ "id_category" => "208" "id_parent" => "44" "id_shop_default" => "1" "level_depth" => "3" "nleft" => "26" "nright" => "53" "active" => "1" "date_add" => "2024-09-10 10:58:54" "date_upd" => "2024-09-10 15:03:48" "position" => "1" "is_root_category" => "0" "id_shop" => "1" "id_lang" => "2" "name" => "Pantalons" "description" => "" "link_rewrite" => "pantalons" "meta_title" => "" "meta_keywords" => "" "meta_description" => "" ] "subsubcategories" => array:5 [ 0 => array:1 [ "infos" => array:19 [ "id_category" => "215" "id_parent" => "208" "id_shop_default" => "1" "level_depth" => "4" "nleft" => "27" "nright" => "40" "active" => "1" "date_add" => "2024-09-10 12:05:56" "date_upd" => "2024-09-10 12:16:37" "position" => "0" "is_root_category" => "0" "id_shop" => "1" "id_lang" => "2" "name" => "Pantalons casual" "description" => "" "link_rewrite" => "pantalons-casual" "meta_title" => "" "meta_keywords" => "" "meta_description" => "" ] ] 1 => array:1 [ "infos" => array:19 [ "id_category" => "216" "id_parent" => "208" "id_shop_default" => "1" "level_depth" => "4" "nleft" => "41" "nright" => "42" "active" => "1" "date_add" => "2024-09-10 12:12:08" "date_upd" => "2024-09-10 12:16:37" "position" => "1" "is_root_category" => "0" "id_shop" => "1" "id_lang" => "2" "name" => "Pantalons formels" "description" => "" "link_rewrite" => "pantalons-formels" "meta_title" => "" "meta_keywords" => "" "meta_description" => "" ] ] 2 => array:1 [ "infos" => array:19 [ "id_category" => "217" "id_parent" => "208" "id_shop_default" => "1" "level_depth" => "4" "nleft" => "43" "nright" => "44" "active" => "1" "date_add" => "2024-09-10 12:15:55" "date_upd" => "2024-09-10 12:16:43" "position" => "2" "is_root_category" => "0" "id_shop" => "1" "id_lang" => "2" "name" => "Pantalons technique" "description" => "" "link_rewrite" => "pantalons-technique" "meta_title" => "" "meta_keywords" => "" "meta_description" => "" ] ] 3 => array:1 [ "infos" => array:19 [ "id_category" => "7" "id_parent" => "208" "id_shop_default" => "1" "level_depth" => "4" "nleft" => "45" "nright" => "46" "active" => "1" "date_add" => "2015-11-30 10:36:47" "date_upd" => "2024-09-10 12:16:43" "position" => "3" "is_root_category" => "0" "id_shop" => "1" "id_lang" => "2" "name" => "Flannel Trousers" "description" => "<p>Thanks to their 100% wool fabric, the flannel trousers are not only the dream ally of winter and mid-season. It is the symbol of elegance and comfort, the one that everyone agrees.</p>" "link_rewrite" => "flannel-trousers-men" "meta_title" => "100% wool Flannel trousers for Men | LePantalon" "meta_keywords" => "" "meta_description" => "LePantalon flannel Trousers for Men, the ultimate pant for elegance, as well as softness and warmth! Made from 100% wool, it will keeps your legs nice and warm." ] ] 4 => array:1 [ "infos" => array:19 [ "id_category" => "116" "id_parent" => "208" "id_shop_default" => "1" "level_depth" => "4" "nleft" => "47" "nright" => "52" "active" => "1" "date_add" => "2021-10-21 18:21:27" "date_upd" => "2024-09-10 12:16:43" "position" => "4" "is_root_category" => "0" "id_shop" => "1" "id_lang" => "2" "name" => "Corduroy Trousers" "description" => "<p>Velvet is the epitome of timelessness when it comes to pants. Our range of velvet pants is here to offer you the comfort and elegance you deserve. From classic corduroys that combine softness, warmth and style, to 5-pocket velvets adorned with a unique pattern, our range offers a variety of styles to suit every taste.</p>" "link_rewrite" => "corduroy-trousers-men" "meta_title" => "Men's Corduroy trousers | LePantalon" "meta_keywords" => "" "meta_description" => "In the trousers family, Corduroy pants are perfect for winter. A soft, warm and terribly elegant corduroy that envelops you and gives you a confident look." ] ] ] ] 9 => array:2 [ "infos" => array:19 [ "id_category" => "9" "id_parent" => "44" "id_shop_default" => "1" "level_depth" => "3" "nleft" => "54" "nright" => "61" "active" => "1" "date_add" => "2016-06-14 14:29:51" "date_upd" => "2024-09-10 11:12:03" "position" => "2" "is_root_category" => "0" "id_shop" => "1" "id_lang" => "2" "name" => "Denim" "description" => "<p>Varied cuts, intense colors and exceptional denim: our men's Jeans are made from organic or recycled cotton. Discover our 2 ranges and a raw, very raw spirit.</p>" "link_rewrite" => "denim-men" "meta_title" => "Men's Denim Jeans : Varied cuts & colors | LePantalon " "meta_keywords" => "" "meta_description" => "Discover our Denim Jeans for Men: timeless cut and high quality manufacturing. Different models with traight cut or semi-slim, selvedge or raw denim. " ] "subsubcategories" => array:3 [ 0 => array:1 [ "infos" => array:19 [ "id_category" => "114" "id_parent" => "9" "id_shop_default" => "1" "level_depth" => "4" "nleft" => "55" "nright" => "56" "active" => "1" "date_add" => "2021-10-20 09:58:33" "date_upd" => "2024-08-29 16:22:47" "position" => "0" "is_root_category" => "0" "id_shop" => "1" "id_lang" => "2" "name" => "Selvedge Jeans" "description" => "<p>The selvedge jeans are the witness of an ancestral weaving technique to which we owe this great robustness. <em>Maison Candiani</em> has been entrusted with its production for its eco-responsible reputation.</p>" "link_rewrite" => "selvedge-jeans" "meta_title" => "Selvedge Jeans for Men | LePantalon" "meta_keywords" => "" "meta_description" => "The selvedge men's Jeans are the ultimate in handmade elegance. A robust, eco-responsible fabric, a semi-slim cut, two colors: blue and gray." ] ] 1 => array:1 [ "infos" => array:19 [ "id_category" => "115" "id_parent" => "9" "id_shop_default" => "1" "level_depth" => "4" "nleft" => "57" "nright" => "58" "active" => "1" "date_add" => "2021-10-20 10:11:57" "date_upd" => "2024-08-29 16:23:07" "position" => "1" "is_root_category" => "0" "id_shop" => "1" "id_lang" => "2" "name" => "Classic Jeans" "description" => "<p>The classic jean is your everyday jean. A semi-slim fit that is neither too loose nor too tight, 4 colors from lightest to darkest and a partner for the 4 seasons.</p>" "link_rewrite" => "classic-jeans" "meta_title" => "Classic Jeans for Men | LePantalon" "meta_keywords" => "" "meta_description" => "Our classic Jeans for men LePantalon are the new must-have of your wardrobe. A semi-slim cut, and four colors for four seasons." ] ] 2 => array:1 [ "infos" => array:19 [ "id_category" => "113" "id_parent" => "9" "id_shop_default" => "1" "level_depth" => "4" "nleft" => "59" "nright" => "60" "active" => "1" "date_add" => "2021-10-20 09:54:08" "date_upd" => "2024-08-29 16:23:29" "position" => "2" "is_root_category" => "0" "id_shop" => "1" "id_lang" => "2" "name" => "Regular Jeans" "description" => "<p>The regular Jean is the ideal Jean for those who want to combine ultra-comfort without compromising their legendary elegance. 2 colors for 2 radically different styles and a 100% organic cotton fabric.</p>" "link_rewrite" => "regular-jeans" "meta_title" => "Regular Jeans for Men | LePantalon" "meta_keywords" => "" "meta_description" => "Discover our 100% organic cotton regular Jeans for men, available in two colors: stone blue and ecru. The perfect alliance between comfort and style." ] ] ] ] 14 => array:2 [ "infos" => array:19 [ "id_category" => "14" "id_parent" => "44" "id_shop_default" => "1" "level_depth" => "3" "nleft" => "62" "nright" => "73" "active" => "1" "date_add" => "2017-05-09 09:26:50" "date_upd" => "2024-09-10 11:12:03" "position" => "3" "is_root_category" => "0" "id_shop" => "1" "id_lang" => "2" "name" => "Bermuda shorts" "description" => "<p>Stay classy when temperatures start rising… challenge accepted! 100% summer wear boasting all the style of chino trousers.</p>" "link_rewrite" => "bermuda-shorts" "meta_title" => "LePantalon men's Bermuda shorts: a close relative of chinos" "meta_keywords" => "" "meta_description" => "Essential for the summer wardrobe, the men's Bermuda shorts and their perfectly designed semi-slim cut rhyme with elegance even in summer. " ] "subsubcategories" => array:5 [ 0 => array:1 [ "infos" => array:19 [ "id_category" => "145" "id_parent" => "14" "id_shop_default" => "1" "level_depth" => "4" "nleft" => "63" "nright" => "64" "active" => "1" "date_add" => "2023-03-09 10:34:22" "date_upd" => "2024-09-10 17:35:18" "position" => "0" "is_root_category" => "0" "id_shop" => "1" "id_lang" => "2" "name" => "Classic bermuda shorts " "description" => "<p>The classic Bermuda short is the perfect choice to combine comfort and elegance during the hot summer days. Available in 14 colors.</p>" "link_rewrite" => "classic-bermuda-shorts" "meta_title" => "Men's classic bermuda shorts| LePantalon" "meta_keywords" => "" "meta_description" => "Discover our classic Bermuda shorts for men: perfect length and width for a summer placed under the signs of comfort and elegance. Made in Portugal" ] ] 1 => array:1 [ "infos" => array:19 [ "id_category" => "146" "id_parent" => "14" "id_shop_default" => "1" "level_depth" => "4" "nleft" => "65" "nright" => "66" "active" => "1" "date_add" => "2023-03-09 10:34:50" "date_upd" => "2024-09-10 17:35:18" "position" => "1" "is_root_category" => "0" "id_shop" => "1" "id_lang" => "2" "name" => "Light bermuda shorts " "description" => "<p>Discover our classic Bermuda shorts for men: perfect length and width for a summer placed under the signs of comfort and elegance. </p>" "link_rewrite" => "light-bermuda-shorts" "meta_title" => "Men's light bermuda shorts | LePantalon" "meta_keywords" => "light bermuda ,bermuda short" "meta_description" => "Discover our light Bermuda shorts, the new must-have for summer. Lightweight Italian fabric made of dyed yarns, 98% cotton | Made in Portugal " ] ] 2 => array:1 [ "infos" => array:19 [ "id_category" => "187" "id_parent" => "14" "id_shop_default" => "1" "level_depth" => "4" "nleft" => "67" "nright" => "68" "active" => "1" "date_add" => "2024-02-29 16:21:04" "date_upd" => "2024-09-10 17:35:18" "position" => "2" "is_root_category" => "0" "id_shop" => "1" "id_lang" => "2" "name" => "Seersucker bermuda shorts " "description" => "<p>The Seersucker Bermuda Shorts is the short version of the Seersucker Chinos : the perfect mix of lightness and elegance. Their unique waffle-textured fabric makes them a must-have for summer.</p>" "link_rewrite" => "seersucker-bermuda-shorts" "meta_title" => "Men's seersucker bermuda shorts | LePantalon" "meta_keywords" => "" "meta_description" => "Discover our seersucker Bermudas for men: semi-slim cut, lightweight waffle cotton fabric. Made in Portugal | Free return" ] ] 3 => array:1 [ "infos" => array:19 [ "id_category" => "151" "id_parent" => "14" "id_shop_default" => "1" "level_depth" => "4" "nleft" => "69" "nright" => "70" "active" => "1" "date_add" => "2023-05-15 16:57:18" "date_upd" => "2024-09-10 17:35:18" "position" => "3" "is_root_category" => "0" "id_shop" => "1" "id_lang" => "2" "name" => "Carpenter Shorts " "description" => "<p>The Men's Carpenter Short is the short version of the Carpenter pants. Large patch pockets and a lightweight linen and organic cotton fabric, perfect for summer.</p>" "link_rewrite" => "carpenter-shorts" "meta_title" => "Men's Carpenter shorts | LePantalon" "meta_keywords" => "" "meta_description" => "Discover our carpenter shorts for men, succumb to their comfort and their irresistible front stitched patch pockets - workwear inspiration| Free return " ] ] 4 => array:1 [ "infos" => array:19 [ "id_category" => "34" "id_parent" => "14" "id_shop_default" => "1" "level_depth" => "4" "nleft" => "71" "nright" => "72" "active" => "1" "date_add" => "2018-06-07 17:39:47" "date_upd" => "2024-09-10 17:35:18" "position" => "4" "is_root_category" => "0" "id_shop" => "1" "id_lang" => "2" "name" => "Swim shorts" "description" => "<p>Designed to enhance you, our <strong>men's Swimsuits,</strong> with their <strong>intense colors</strong> and strong characters, will not let you down. <strong>Mid-thigh length</strong> for elegance and <strong>recycled materials</strong> for the planet: they are ready for summer. Let's get in the water!</p>" "link_rewrite" => "swim-shorts" "meta_title" => "LePantalon men's swim shorts: elegant and casual" "meta_keywords" => "" "meta_description" => "Discover our men's swimming short and their ultra-comfortable elastic waistband | Colours: orange, navy blue, duck blue swimming short. Free return ✔️" ] ] ] ] 10 => array:2 [ "infos" => array:19 [ "id_category" => "10" "id_parent" => "44" "id_shop_default" => "1" "level_depth" => "3" "nleft" => "74" "nright" => "85" "active" => "1" "date_add" => "2016-06-14 14:30:54" "date_upd" => "2024-09-10 11:12:03" "position" => "5" "is_root_category" => "0" "id_shop" => "1" "id_lang" => "2" "name" => "Accessories" "description" => "<p>Our accessories can be used to round off or highlight our range of trousers. Reveal your sophisticated side and hone your sense of detail.</p>" "link_rewrite" => "accessories-men" "meta_title" => "Accessories for mec : boxers, belts and socks | LePantalon" "meta_keywords" => "" "meta_description" => "Our accessories can be used to round off or highlight our range of trousers. Reveal your sophisticated side and hone your sense of detail." ] "subsubcategories" => array:4 [ 0 => array:1 [ "infos" => array:19 [ "id_category" => "13" "id_parent" => "10" "id_shop_default" => "1" "level_depth" => "4" "nleft" => "75" "nright" => "76" "active" => "1" "date_add" => "2016-07-19 16:01:47" "date_upd" => "2024-08-29 16:40:58" "position" => "0" "is_root_category" => "0" "id_shop" => "1" "id_lang" => "2" "name" => "Socks" "description" => "<p>We wanted to offer the same range of colours as for our trousers. Can you imagine wear a LePantalon trousers without LePantalon socks? Please ;)</p>" "link_rewrite" => "socks-men" "meta_title" => "Men's socks - Wide range of colors - One size | LePantalon" "meta_keywords" => "" "meta_description" => "Men's Socks : in a pack or available singly, discover a large range of colored socks for men. Made in Portugal - GOTS & Oeko-tex certified fabric" ] ] 1 => array:1 [ "infos" => array:19 [ "id_category" => "30" "id_parent" => "10" "id_shop_default" => "1" "level_depth" => "4" "nleft" => "77" "nright" => "78" "active" => "1" "date_add" => "2018-05-03 16:54:17" "date_upd" => "2024-08-29 16:41:28" "position" => "1" "is_root_category" => "0" "id_shop" => "1" "id_lang" => "2" "name" => "Belts" "description" => "<p>Our leather belts for men have one goal: to complete your look with elegance. Tanned from natural substances and 100% made in France, they are robust and responsible. You can choose between four colors: brown, blue, cognac or black leather belts.</p>" "link_rewrite" => "belts-men" "meta_title" => "LePantalon men's belt, the essential accessory for elegance." "meta_keywords" => "" "meta_description" => "LePantalon men's Belt: our men's leather belt is the perfect match for our trousers. Discover our brown leather belt, black leather belt and suede leather belts" ] ] 2 => array:1 [ "infos" => array:19 [ "id_category" => "198" "id_parent" => "10" "id_shop_default" => "1" "level_depth" => "4" "nleft" => "79" "nright" => "80" "active" => "1" "date_add" => "2024-04-25 16:59:01" "date_upd" => "2024-08-29 16:41:54" "position" => "2" "is_root_category" => "0" "id_shop" => "1" "id_lang" => "2" "name" => "Boxer shorts" "description" => "<p>Designed to offer exceptional softness thanks to its blend of cotton and elastane, our boxer briefs, made with care in Portugal, offer impeccable quality complemented by a sleek design.</p>" "link_rewrite" => "boxer-shorts" "meta_title" => "Men's boxer | LePantalon" "meta_keywords" => "" "meta_description" => "Discover our men's boxer shorts: soft and comfortable with top-quality cotton - 3 colors available. Made in Portugal " ] ] 3 => array:1 [ "infos" => array:19 [ "id_category" => "31" "id_parent" => "10" "id_shop_default" => "1" "level_depth" => "4" "nleft" => "81" "nright" => "82" "active" => "1" "date_add" => "2018-05-03 16:55:34" "date_upd" => "2024-08-29 16:42:13" "position" => "3" "is_root_category" => "0" "id_shop" => "1" "id_lang" => "2" "name" => "Underpants" "description" => "<p>Our men's underpants are made of 100% cotton and are designed for maximum comfort. The elastic waistband adapts perfectly to your movements and body shape. In terms of design, you can choose from plain, patterned or striped boxers.</p>" "link_rewrite" => "underpants" "meta_title" => "Men's Boxers - Maximum comfort - 5 colors | LePantalon " "meta_keywords" => "" "meta_description" => "Discover our boxers. Our 100% cotton men's boxers are soft and elegant." ] ] ] ] 76 => array:1 [ "infos" => array:19 [ "id_category" => "76" "id_parent" => "44" "id_shop_default" => "1" "level_depth" => "3" "nleft" => "86" "nright" => "87" "active" => "1" "date_add" => "2020-03-03 15:41:21" "date_upd" => "2024-09-10 11:12:03" "position" => "6" "is_root_category" => "0" "id_shop" => "1" "id_lang" => "2" "name" => "Gift Voucher" "description" => "<p>The gift voucher may make life easier, but it is still an ultra-personalised gift.</p>" "link_rewrite" => "gift-voucher" "meta_title" => "Men's Gift voucher - From 50 to 200€ | LePantalon" "meta_keywords" => "" "meta_description" => "" ] ] 95 => array:2 [ "infos" => array:19 [ "id_category" => "95" "id_parent" => "44" "id_shop_default" => "1" "level_depth" => "3" "nleft" => "88" "nright" => "91" "active" => "1" "date_add" => "2020-09-28 14:44:22" "date_upd" => "2024-09-10 11:12:03" "position" => "7" "is_root_category" => "0" "id_shop" => "1" "id_lang" => "2" "name" => "Last chances" "description" => "<p>Before saying goodbye, get these beautiful trousers at low prices. Our offer is evolving and everyone knows it: no new start without transition.</p>" "link_rewrite" => "last-chances" "meta_title" => "Men's last chance Trousers : up to -40% | LePantalon" "meta_keywords" => "" "meta_description" => "" ] "subsubcategories" => array:1 [ 0 => array:1 [ "infos" => array:19 [ "id_category" => "121" "id_parent" => "95" "id_shop_default" => "1" "level_depth" => "4" "nleft" => "89" "nright" => "90" "active" => "1" "date_add" => "2022-02-10 18:07:11" "date_upd" => "2024-09-10 11:20:59" "position" => "1" "is_root_category" => "0" "id_shop" => "1" "id_lang" => "2" "name" => "Children" "description" => "<p>Hard-wearing, stylish and unisex, our timeless trousers can be passed on once outgrown and are designed to make your little ones look even more adorable.</p>" "link_rewrite" => "unisex-children-s-chinos" "meta_title" => "Unisex cotton children's pants - Made in Europe | LePantalon" "meta_keywords" => "" "meta_description" => "Discover our children's trousers : Hard-wearing, stylish & unisex with an elastic waistband : designed to make your little ones look even more adorable" ] ] ] ] ] "feature_1_position" => "10" "feature_2_position" => "76" ]
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Add a lot of elegance and some charisma. Made from organic and recycled cotton, three words describe this range : femininity, comfort, resistance. Which one suits you?</p>" "link_rewrite" => "denim-women" "meta_title" => "Denim & 5 pockets for women | LePantalon" "meta_keywords" => "" "meta_description" => "Jeans tailored for all women fits and colours for all body shapes." ] "subsubcategories" => array:10 [ 0 => array:1 [ "infos" => array:19 [ "id_category" => "141" "id_parent" => "53" "id_shop_default" => "1" "level_depth" => "4" "nleft" => "105" "nright" => "106" "active" => "1" "date_add" => "2022-12-14 12:30:00" "date_upd" => "2024-08-29 16:57:21" "position" => "0" "is_root_category" => "0" "id_shop" => "1" "id_lang" => "2" "name" => "Flare Jeans" "description" => "<p><strong>When vintage</strong> meets audacity, you get the flare jeans for women. A denim fabric in <strong>recycled fibers</strong>, a <strong>flare cut</strong> slightly flared, a <strong>high waist</strong> and a length of leg for a <strong>retro look</strong> not to be confused with the bootcut. Whatever your morphology, the trendy cut of flare jeans flatters your silhouette.</p>" "link_rewrite" => "flare-jeans" "meta_title" => "Flare jeans for Women | LePantalon" "meta_keywords" => "" "meta_description" => "Discover our Flare Jeans for women. High waist and flared lines for a vintage look. Made in Portugal | Fast delivery ✔️" ] ] 1 => array:1 [ "infos" => array:19 [ "id_category" => "138" "id_parent" => "53" "id_shop_default" => "1" "level_depth" => "4" "nleft" => "107" "nright" => "108" "active" => "1" "date_add" => "2022-12-14 12:28:44" "date_upd" => "2024-08-29 16:57:49" "position" => "1" "is_root_category" => "0" "id_shop" => "1" "id_lang" => "2" "name" => "Regular Jeans" "description" => "<p>When <strong>vintage</strong> meets audacity, you get the flare jeans for women. A denim fabric in <strong>recycled fibers</strong>, a <strong>flare cut</strong> slightly flared, a<strong> high waist</strong> and a length of leg for a <strong>retro look</strong> not to be confused with the bootcut. Whatever your morphology, the trendy cut of flare jeans flatters your silhouette.</p>" "link_rewrite" => "regular-jeans" "meta_title" => "Regular jeans for Women | LePantalon" "meta_keywords" => "" "meta_description" => "The Regular Jeans for women OR the must-have of your wardrobe. High waist, regular cut and denim fabric 100% organic cotton | Made in Portugal" ] ] 2 => array:1 [ "infos" => array:19 [ "id_category" => "140" "id_parent" => "53" "id_shop_default" => "1" "level_depth" => "4" "nleft" => "109" "nright" => "110" "active" => "1" "date_add" => "2022-12-14 12:29:40" "date_upd" => "2024-08-29 16:58:24" "position" => "2" "is_root_category" => "0" "id_shop" => "1" "id_lang" => "2" "name" => "Girlfriend Jeans" "description" => "<p>The Girlfriend Jean: <strong>absolute comfort</strong>. <strong>Cotton</strong> and <strong>recycled</strong> <strong>materials</strong>, a GRS & OEKO-TEX-certified denim fabric, a <strong>straight</strong> <strong>cut</strong> and a <strong>mid</strong>-<strong>rise</strong> <strong>waist</strong> for a loose style inspired by the boyfriend cut. Available in <strong>5 colors</strong>, girlfriend jeans are your silhouette's best friend.</p>" "link_rewrite" => "girlfriend-jeans" "meta_title" => "Girlfriend jeans for Women | LePantalon" "meta_keywords" => "" "meta_description" => "Girlfriend jeans for women | Succumb to the elegance of its mid-high waist and its regular cut. 100% organic cotton | Made in Portugal" ] ] 3 => array:1 [ "infos" => array:19 [ "id_category" => "170" "id_parent" => "53" "id_shop_default" => "1" "level_depth" => "4" "nleft" => "111" "nright" => "112" "active" => "1" "date_add" => "2023-09-13 14:54:03" "date_upd" => "2024-08-29 16:58:46" "position" => "3" "is_root_category" => "0" "id_shop" => "1" "id_lang" => "2" "name" => "Regular Jeans" "description" => "<p>Back to basics with our revisited range of <strong>regular jeans</strong>. <strong>Carefully</strong> selected <strong>materials</strong>, <strong>soft shades</strong> and a <strong>relaxed fit</strong>, our women's regular jeans embody the perfect blend of <strong>timeless charm</strong> and <strong>originality</strong>.</p>" "link_rewrite" => "regular-jeans-woman" "meta_title" => "Colored regular jeans for Women | LePantalon" "meta_keywords" => "" "meta_description" => "The Regular Jeans for women OR the must-have of your wardrobe. High waist, regular cut and 100% cotton denim fabric" ] ] 4 => array:1 [ "infos" => array:19 [ "id_category" => "144" "id_parent" => "53" "id_shop_default" => "1" "level_depth" => "4" "nleft" => "113" "nright" => "114" "active" => "1" "date_add" => "2022-12-15 12:53:27" "date_upd" => "2024-08-29 16:59:20" "position" => "4" "is_root_category" => "0" "id_shop" => "1" "id_lang" => "2" "name" => "Bootcut Jeans" "description" => "" "link_rewrite" => "bootcut-jeans" "meta_title" => "Women's Bootcut Jeans | LePantalon" "meta_keywords" => "" "meta_description" => "Discover our new women's Bootcut jean. 100% organic cotton made with its high waist and its slightly flare cut for an elongated silhouette | Made in Portugal" ] ] 5 => array:1 [ "infos" => array:19 [ "id_category" => "188" "id_parent" => "53" "id_shop_default" => "1" "level_depth" => "4" "nleft" => "115" "nright" => "116" "active" => "1" "date_add" => "2024-02-29 16:41:37" "date_upd" => "2024-08-29 16:59:34" "position" => "5" "is_root_category" => "0" "id_shop" => "1" "id_lang" => "2" "name" => "Wide Jeans " "description" => "<p>The women's wide leg Jeans is an ode to raw, vintage style, with its thick cotton denim and faded hue. The high, fitted waist and wide leg offer an elongated silhouette and unparalleled comfort.</p>" "link_rewrite" => "wide-jeans-women" "meta_title" => "Women's wide leg jeans | LePantalon" "meta_keywords" => "" "meta_description" => "Discover our wide-leg Jeans for women. High waist and thick 100% cotton fabric ✔️ Free return" ] ] 6 => array:1 [ "infos" => array:19 [ "id_category" => "196" "id_parent" => "53" "id_shop_default" => "1" "level_depth" => "4" "nleft" => "117" "nright" => "118" "active" => "1" "date_add" => "2024-03-19 15:52:23" "date_upd" => "2024-08-29 16:59:50" "position" => "6" "is_root_category" => "0" "id_shop" => "1" "id_lang" => "2" "name" => " Balloon Jeans " "description" => "<p>The Balloon jeans offer a modern tribute to the 80s, with its cut inspired by Mom jeans. A singular cut, rounded at the thigh and with a high waist to enhance your silhouette in a resolutely vintage style.</p>" "link_rewrite" => "balloon-jeans" "meta_title" => "Women's balloon jeans | LePantalon" "meta_keywords" => "" "meta_description" => "Discover our balloon jeans for women. High waist - 99% cotton fabric - Portugal manufacturing ✔️ Free return" ] ] 7 => array:1 [ "infos" => array:19 [ "id_category" => "142" "id_parent" => "53" "id_shop_default" => "1" "level_depth" => "4" "nleft" => "119" "nright" => "120" "active" => "1" "date_add" => "2022-12-14 12:30:22" "date_upd" => "2024-08-29 17:00:18" "position" => "7" "is_root_category" => "0" "id_shop" => "1" "id_lang" => "2" "name" => "Slim Jeans" "description" => "<p>From the cut of slim jeans for women, we have kept the best to shape your silhouette: a fit fit but not skinny, a <strong>stretch fabric</strong> made of <strong>recycled materials</strong> for <strong>comfort</strong> and a<strong> high waist</strong>. The essential jeans for women highlight your legs and <strong>lengthen your figure</strong>.</p>" "link_rewrite" => "slim-jeans" "meta_title" => "Slim jeans for Women | LePantalon" "meta_keywords" => "" "meta_description" => "Slim jeans for women. Discover our version: Fitted but not skinny cut and stretch fabric made from recycled materials | Made in Portugal" ] ] 8 => array:1 [ "infos" => array:19 [ "id_category" => "139" "id_parent" => "53" "id_shop_default" => "1" "level_depth" => "4" "nleft" => "121" "nright" => "122" "active" => "1" "date_add" => "2022-12-14 12:29:15" "date_upd" => "2024-08-29 17:00:31" "position" => "8" "is_root_category" => "0" "id_shop" => "1" "id_lang" => "2" "name" => "Carrot Jeans " "description" => "<p><strong>Carrot jeans</strong> are the perfect balance between <strong>workwear style</strong> and <strong>elegant finishes</strong>. A <strong>high waist</strong>, a <strong>carrot cut</strong> and visible seams, your silhouette will be flattered. Your new <strong>essential dressing</strong> is available in blue color.</p>" "link_rewrite" => "carrot-jeans" "meta_title" => "Carrot jeans for Women | LePantalon" "meta_keywords" => "" "meta_description" => "Discover the Carrot Jean for women and its workwear style. 100% cotton denim, high waist and carrot cut | Made in Portugal ✔️ Free return" ] ] 9 => array:1 [ "infos" => array:19 [ "id_category" => "143" "id_parent" => "53" "id_shop_default" => "1" "level_depth" => "4" "nleft" => "123" "nright" => "124" "active" => "1" "date_add" => "2022-12-14 12:36:05" "date_upd" => "2024-08-29 17:00:46" "position" => "9" "is_root_category" => "0" "id_shop" => "1" "id_lang" => "2" "name" => "Dungarees" "description" => "<p>Its first asset, its <strong>comfort</strong>. The denim dungarees for women is the new <strong>workwear emblem</strong> that joins our wardrobe. A<strong> straight cut</strong> and <strong>adjustable shoulder straps</strong> to be comfortable. Patch pockets and visible seams to be at the forefront of trends without effort. The women’s dungarees, whatever the season, is the <strong>indispensable trendy piece</strong> of your wardrobe.</p>" "link_rewrite" => "dungarees" "meta_title" => "Dungarees for Women | LePantalon" "meta_keywords" => "" "meta_description" => "Discover the denim Dungarees, the new workwear emblem. Regular cut and 100% organic cotton fabric. Made in Portugal." ] ] ] ] 210 => array:2 [ "infos" => array:19 [ "id_category" => "210" "id_parent" => "51" "id_shop_default" => "1" "level_depth" => "3" "nleft" => "128" "nright" => "143" "active" => "1" "date_add" => "2024-09-10 11:30:48" "date_upd" => "2024-09-10 11:31:03" "position" => "1" "is_root_category" => "0" "id_shop" => "1" "id_lang" => "2" "name" => "Pantalons" "description" => "" "link_rewrite" => "pantalons" "meta_title" => "" "meta_keywords" => "" "meta_description" => "" ] "subsubcategories" => array:5 [ 0 => array:1 [ "infos" => array:19 [ "id_category" => "184" "id_parent" => "210" "id_shop_default" => "1" "level_depth" => "4" "nleft" => "131" "nright" => "132" "active" => "1" "date_add" => "2024-02-28 17:20:53" "date_upd" => "2024-09-12 09:28:06" "position" => "0" "is_root_category" => "0" "id_shop" => "1" "id_lang" => "2" "name" => "Pleated trousers " "description" => "<p>Featuring a high waist and a long, flared leg, our women's pleated trousers are designed to enhance your legs and figure.</p>" "link_rewrite" => "pleated-trousers" "meta_title" => "Women's Pleated Pants | LePantalon" "meta_keywords" => "" "meta_description" => "Discover our women's pleated pants and succumb to their high waist, loose and fluid fit, lightweight fabric. Several colors available | Free return" ] ] 1 => array:1 [ "infos" => array:19 [ "id_category" => "109" "id_parent" => "210" "id_shop_default" => "1" "level_depth" => "4" "nleft" => "133" "nright" => "138" "active" => "1" "date_add" => "2021-09-03 15:19:29" "date_upd" => "2024-09-12 09:28:10" "position" => "1" "is_root_category" => "0" "id_shop" => "1" "id_lang" => "2" "name" => "Corduory Trousers" "description" => "<p>In winter: <strong>warm</strong> and <strong>comforting materials</strong>. <strong>Straight cut</strong> and thick corduroy, our <strong>Corduroy pants</strong> are to die for.</p>" "link_rewrite" => "corduory-trousers" "meta_title" => "Women's corduroy pants | LePantalon" "meta_keywords" => "" "meta_description" => "Discover our range of women's corduroy pants: corduroy, straight cut and high waist. Several colors available. " ] ] 2 => array:1 [ "infos" => array:19 [ "id_category" => "132" "id_parent" => "210" "id_shop_default" => "1" "level_depth" => "4" "nleft" => "139" "nright" => "140" "active" => "1" "date_add" => "2022-09-12 11:39:24" "date_upd" => "2024-09-12 09:28:11" "position" => "2" "is_root_category" => "0" "id_shop" => "1" "id_lang" => "2" "name" => "Flannel Trousers" "description" => "<p>In winter: <strong>warm</strong> and <strong>comforting materials</strong>. Our <strong>women's Flannel pants</strong> are made from <strong>recycled wool</strong> and materials, a process exclusively integrated in the workshops of the Italian house <em>Lanificio Luigi Zanieri</em>.</p>" "link_rewrite" => "flannel-trousers-women" "meta_title" => "Women's Flannel pants | LePantalon" "meta_keywords" => "" "meta_description" => "Discover our range of women's flannels: palazzo cuts, recycled wool, navy blue or mottled grey, it's up to you! " ] ] 3 => array:1 [ "infos" => array:19 [ "id_category" => "153" "id_parent" => "210" "id_shop_default" => "1" "level_depth" => "4" "nleft" => "129" "nright" => "130" "active" => "1" "date_add" => "2023-05-23 17:50:08" "date_upd" => "2024-09-12 09:28:11" "position" => "3" "is_root_category" => "0" "id_shop" => "1" "id_lang" => "2" "name" => "Bridge pants" "description" => "<p>Pants with bridge are inspired by sailor pants, with their iconic buttonholes. A loose fit, a high waist and a lightweight linen and cotton material, perfect for summer.</p>" "link_rewrite" => "bridge-pants-women" "meta_title" => "Women's Bridge pants | LePantalon" "meta_keywords" => "" "meta_description" => "Discover our women's bridge pants and its iconic buttonholes. High waist, loose fit, light material." ] ] 4 => array:1 [ "infos" => array:19 [ "id_category" => "129" "id_parent" => "210" "id_shop_default" => "1" "level_depth" => "4" "nleft" => "141" "nright" => "142" "active" => "1" "date_add" => "2022-04-08 10:09:01" "date_upd" => "2024-09-10 11:36:11" "position" => "4" "is_root_category" => "0" "id_shop" => "1" "id_lang" => "2" "name" => "Wide leg Trousers" "description" => "<p>Light trousers and summer trousers for women If you're looking for summer trousers you've come to the right place. The palazzo cut is a loose and long cut, ideal for accommodating all your movements, its French linen, lyocell and cotton fabric ensures freshness, lightness and absolute elegance.</p>" "link_rewrite" => "wide-leg-trousers-women" "meta_title" => "Women's Palazzo Wide leg Pants | Summer Palazzo | LePantalon" "meta_keywords" => "" "meta_description" => "Women's summer palazzo | Discover our light palazzo for women and face the summer heat with elegance. High waist. Several colors. Free return ✔️" ] ] ] ] 61 => array:1 [ "infos" => array:19 [ "id_category" => "61" "id_parent" => "51" "id_shop_default" => "1" "level_depth" => "3" "nleft" => "144" "nright" => "145" "active" => "1" "date_add" => "2019-12-04 10:42:48" "date_upd" => "2024-09-10 11:45:57" "position" => "2" "is_root_category" => "0" "id_shop" => "1" "id_lang" => "2" "name" => "Chinos" "description" => "<p><strong>The Chino or the timeless one</strong> that we no longer doubt.<strong> A workwear icon</strong> that we have revisited with more <strong>details,</strong> a<strong> carrot cut,</strong> for <strong>more comfort and more style.</strong> To all women, it is <strong>your ally</strong> all year round.</p>" "link_rewrite" => "chinos-women" "meta_title" => "LePantalon: women chino trousers" "meta_keywords" => "" "meta_description" => "Women also have their Chino at Le Pantalon. With its emblematic simplicity, the women's Chino and its carrot cut are available in 5 different colours." ] ] 213 => array:2 [ "infos" => array:19 [ "id_category" => "213" "id_parent" => "51" "id_shop_default" => "1" "level_depth" => "3" "nleft" => "146" "nright" => "155" "active" => "1" "date_add" => "2024-09-10 11:44:37" "date_upd" => "2024-09-10 11:46:48" "position" => "3" "is_root_category" => "0" "id_shop" => "1" "id_lang" => "2" "name" => "Shorts & Jupes" "description" => "" "link_rewrite" => "shorts-jupes" "meta_title" => "" "meta_keywords" => "" "meta_description" => "" ] "subsubcategories" => array:2 [ 0 => array:1 [ "infos" => array:19 [ "id_category" => "126" "id_parent" => "213" "id_shop_default" => "1" "level_depth" => "4" "nleft" => "147" "nright" => "152" "active" => "1" "date_add" => "2022-03-29 11:53:36" "date_upd" => "2024-09-10 11:45:47" "position" => "0" "is_root_category" => "0" "id_shop" => "1" "id_lang" => "2" "name" => "Shorts" "description" => "<p>With our women's shorts, you'll be prepared for everything. Light and denim shorts to accompany your legs all summer long. The right length and material for a light and free season.</p>" "link_rewrite" => "shorts-women" "meta_title" => "Women's Shorts | Summer Shorts | LePantalon" "meta_keywords" => "" "meta_description" => "Women's summer shorts | Discover our shorts for women and face the summer heat with elegance. High waist. Several colors. Free return ✔️" ] ] 1 => array:1 [ "infos" => array:19 [ "id_category" => "148" "id_parent" => "213" "id_shop_default" => "1" "level_depth" => "4" "nleft" => "153" "nright" => "154" "active" => "1" "date_add" => "2023-03-22 10:07:01" "date_upd" => "2024-09-10 11:45:47" "position" => "1" "is_root_category" => "0" "id_shop" => "1" "id_lang" => "2" "name" => "Denim skirts " "description" => "<p>The <strong>women's denim skirts</strong> are a faithful tribute to this <strong>timeless monument</strong> of women's fashion. <strong>High</strong> waist, <strong>short</strong> cut and a <strong>100% cotton</strong> denim from organic agriculture.</p>" "link_rewrite" => "denim-skirts" "meta_title" => "Women's Denim Skirts | LePantalon" "meta_keywords" => "jupe ,jupe femme,jupe en jean" "meta_description" => "Discover our denim skirts for women: short cut, high waist and denim 100% cotton from organic agriculture | Made in Portugal " ] ] ] ] 71 => array:2 [ "infos" => array:19 [ "id_category" => "71" "id_parent" => "51" "id_shop_default" => "1" "level_depth" => "3" "nleft" => "156" "nright" => "161" "active" => "1" "date_add" => "2020-01-30 10:52:59" "date_upd" => "2024-09-10 11:46:48" "position" => "5" "is_root_category" => "0" "id_shop" => "1" "id_lang" => "2" "name" => "Accessories" "description" => "<p>Our accessories can be used to round off or highlight our range of trousers. For all those women with a sense of detail. Discover now our leather belt and socks for women.</p>" "link_rewrite" => "accessories-women" "meta_title" => "LePantalon women's accessories" "meta_keywords" => "" "meta_description" => "Our accessories can be used to round off or highlight our range of trousers. For all those women with a sense of detail." ] "subsubcategories" => array:2 [ 0 => array:1 [ "infos" => array:19 [ "id_category" => "124" "id_parent" => "71" "id_shop_default" => "1" "level_depth" => "4" "nleft" => "157" "nright" => "158" "active" => "1" "date_add" => "2022-03-04 15:20:05" "date_upd" => "2024-08-29 17:09:10" "position" => "0" "is_root_category" => "0" "id_shop" => "1" "id_lang" => "2" "name" => "Socks" "description" => "<p>Our women's socks in deep colors will pair with your favorite pants and jeans. Soft, they will warm your feet in winter and enhance your looks in all seasons.</p>" "link_rewrite" => "women-socks" "meta_title" => "Women's socks - Various colors available I LePantalon" "meta_keywords" => "" "meta_description" => "Discover our women's socks now. Six colors: beige, khaki, burgundy, dark gray, fir green and navy blue. Find your pair." ] ] 1 => array:1 [ "infos" => array:19 [ "id_category" => "125" "id_parent" => "71" "id_shop_default" => "1" "level_depth" => "4" "nleft" => "159" "nright" => "160" "active" => "1" "date_add" => "2022-03-10 15:00:54" "date_upd" => "2024-08-29 17:10:12" "position" => "1" "is_root_category" => "0" "id_shop" => "1" "id_lang" => "2" "name" => "Belts" "description" => "<p>Our grained leather belts for women have one goal: to complete your look with femininity and elegance. Tanned from natural substances and 100% made in France, they are robust and sustainable. You can choose between two colors: wine or midnight blue belts.</p>" "link_rewrite" => "belts-women" "meta_title" => "Leather belts for women I Made in France I LePantalon" "meta_keywords" => "" "meta_description" => "Discover our Italian grained leather belts for women: 100% made in France, vegetable tanning and two colors: wine and night blue." ] ] ] ] 77 => array:1 [ "infos" => array:19 [ "id_category" => "77" "id_parent" => "51" "id_shop_default" => "1" "level_depth" => "3" "nleft" => "162" "nright" => "163" "active" => "1" "date_add" => "2020-03-03 15:45:27" "date_upd" => "2024-09-10 11:46:48" "position" => "6" "is_root_category" => "0" "id_shop" => "1" "id_lang" => "2" "name" => "Gift Voucher" "description" => "<p>The gift voucher may make life easier, but it is still an ultra-personalised gift.</p>" "link_rewrite" => "gift-voucher" "meta_title" => "LePantalon gift voucher: from 50 to 200€ | LePantalon " "meta_keywords" => "" "meta_description" => "" ] ] 96 => array:2 [ "infos" => array:19 [ "id_category" => "96" "id_parent" => "51" "id_shop_default" => "1" "level_depth" => "3" "nleft" => "164" "nright" => "167" "active" => "1" "date_add" => "2020-09-28 14:45:28" "date_upd" => "2024-09-10 11:46:05" "position" => "13" "is_root_category" => "0" "id_shop" => "1" "id_lang" => "2" "name" => "Last Chances" "description" => "<p>Before saying goodbye, get these beautiful trousers at low prices. 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Bermuda shorts
Last chances
Shorts & Jupes
Last Chances